Thursday, February 1, 2007

Crisis apparitions.

You've all heard the stories:
'My grandma came and knocked on my door and then wasn't there. Two hours later the police called and said she had died earlier in the morning at her flat.' and so on.
But a crisis apparition is not the spirit of the dead but a projection of an individual in a time of crisis. In other words a message to you to act before it is too late. The majority of the reported stories turn out to be a loved one in need however it is also widely reported that a loved one may be sighted in a place where they can not be, for instance; a son walks into a christmas dinner and sits at the table when he is supposed to be in Hawaii. He fades away and the family calls him and asks if everything is ok the son responds that everything is well he just really wished he was at christmas dinner with everyone.
Crisis apparitions are widely reported and can often have several witnesses reporting for each encounter (which gives them slightly more credit than other phenomenon) but are they real?

This morning I had my first 'Paranormal' encounter ever, an odd thing considering I just started this site (and that in turn is the phenomenon of 'Synchronicity' but more on that later). I awoke in the dark in bed and saw my grandfather leaning over my bed (you all have dirty minds) and then proceeding to walk out of the room. As he was doing so I said 'Are you alright?' thinking that I had woken up after he was telling me something (like 'I'm off to golf' or whatever) and his figure streched and then he faded away. Of course seeing this woke me right up and I was struck with terror. The first thing I thought of was that this was a crisis apparition and even though I don't believe in them personally this all went out the window at the time. I fought with my mind and eventually ran to the phone and dialled my grandfather's number at the early hour of the morning. It turned out nothing was wrong and I kind of wrote off the call by saying 'I must have dreamt you asked me to call you.' etc.
So was this the image of my grandfather standing in my room.
Thinking about it in a state where I am fully aware I doubt it.
My room is situated next to a window that looks onto a road, passing cars at night project the light from their headbeams onto my wall which moves across my room as they pass by, similar to the way I saw my grandfather walking. Also as the car reaches my house alot more light enters the room which stretches the shadows it creates noticibly... which could explain for the stretching effect I saw. Combine that with the fact that when you awake your eyes (which operate on two different systems one for light and one for dark) are trying to ascertain which system to use as well as the grogginess associated with waking and the lingering atmosphere of unconcious dreaming and we might have an explaination for the sighting.
The whole experience was blurry and lasted for less that five seconds and I'm convinced that it was just tricks of light and shadow and that I was only seeing what I wanted to see.
This of course does not account for instances where people experience a phenomena in the company of others though.
As I have said, personally I do not put faith in these apparitions however evidence suggests that they are real. A popular critique is that people are actually projecting the image of the person that they want to see on a similar looking individual, have you ever been waiting for someone and everyone who walks past looks like it is going to be them?
This however, has been countered by the fact that often people report that they can clearly see faces, and when a face is familiar individuals can tell differences down to a mm of change... which is quite cool when you think about it?
Have you ever experienced a visitation?